CP Army Headquarters and CP Army Network Merger on the Horizon!

SNOWSHOE, CP Army United Headquarters – Over the past few months, a merge between two prominent leagues has been in the works, though it wasn’t until recently that the wider army community began to learn of it’s existence. Read all about it here!

The official league server

Starting as early as Spring 2022, rumours of the two largest leagues coming together began to circle around the community. These were quickly dismissed, as it was known from the start of Club Penguin Army Network‘s creation that its administration had many qualms with Club Penguin Army Headquarters.

However, on June 17th, all rumours were put to rest. “We never wanted this merger anyways,” Xing said in a post on the Templars website. He claimed that Templars were never included in any merger discussions and thus would not be joining the new league when it launched. Other armies were obviously on board as well, signing their names at the bottom of the post. Secret Service, Red Ravagers, Mercenaries, Lime Green Army, and Magma Clan all agreed to follow Templars’ lead. However, it was revealed soon afterwards that the founders of the upcoming league had intended to invite all the army leaders to a discussion server that same day.

All leaders of ‘legitimate’ armies (not colonies or meme armies) were asked to join a discord server named ‘Not a Merger’. There, they released a document, in which it was revealed that the league will be named Club Penguin Armies. The document outlined how the league would be built around army input, with each army being offered the same level of influence. This promise was tested when army leaders were given the opportunity to vote on CPA’s administrators. DMT, Max, Orange, Crazzy, Spotty, and Luci all recieved enough votes and therefore will be running the league.

I truly believe this to be the most fundamentally fair system we have had to date and it gives armies/army leaders complete control over the league and map.

Max, Club Penguin Armies Administrator

The league’s structure is unique and has never been attempted before. Though many members of the community are sceptical, the administrative team is confident that this is exactly what we need. It’s entirely centered around giving army leaders the opportunity to have a large say in important matters.

Unfortunately, even before the official opening, Club Penguin Armies is not without controversy. In a post on the Special Weapons and Tactics website, former leader Sweater/Conor accused a (now former) advisor of not acting against a dox of former community members, and stated that SWAT would not be participating in the league. Soon after though, Ayan shot back with his own post on the Help Force website filled with accusations aimed towards Sweater. You can read it here. The relevancy of some of Ayan’s accusations has been called into question, and many view the whole situation as a distraction from more important matters regarding the league. The advisor in question was fired following the incident.

With all this in mind, it will be interesting to see how Club Penguin Armies performs as an organization. The number of interested armies is currently unknown. Many remain undecided, weighing their options and waiting to see where the league ends up. The server invite was leaked just a few hours ago, so it’s likely that the merge will be officially announced very soon.


This section of the post does not reflect the views of CP Armies United as a whole blabla etc.

I see this merger going one of two ways. Either it will be a massive hit and all our previous concerns will be brushed aside, or it’ll crash and burn and speed up the inevitable death of Club Penguin armies. The only way out of either of those options would be for almost all major armies to not participate in the league, but we all know that will never happen.

The best thing about this is that, regardless of the outcome, we will finally start to see something happening in the community. Over the past 4 or 5 months, basically nothing worth writing about has happened. When was the last time a large army other than Templars actually took part in a battle that wasn’t practice or for a tournament? Though I suppose if you consider the size of armies lately, you can’t exactly find more than one that could be considered large.

Look at us. We’re dying out. Club Penguin Private Servers only have a handful of players left. Maybe the new league’s admins efforts are fruitless, maybe they are evil Club Penguin Army globalists, but you have to know that their league is the only thing reviving the community. Something is happening. They could not have chosen a better time to do this. Everything in armies has felt stale lately. Media, ‘wars’, tournaments, even our beloved multilogging exposés. This feels new, fresh. Whether you’re for or against the merge, you have to admit that it has brought life back into the community. The upcoming merge has actually been the main thing driving me to keep working on CP Armies United. We really do need this.


Club Penguin Armies United Executive Producer

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